Category: cupping

Cupping is a game of chance

(AUTHOR’S NOTE, 15 JUN 2024): After speaking with Scott and Gildardo following the publication of this piece, I want to offer clarification, confirmation and correction that Gildardo did in fact initiate the conversation and sending of the lot at no cost to Prodigal, and that Prodigal had no intention of leaving Gildardo without payment. Bearing […]

Calibration, Quality and the Myth of Infallibility

Day 1 of the Copa de Oro competition in Huila, Colombia in November 2023 hosted by Osito Coffee This piece is inspired by curiosities surrounding the process of sourcing Aviary’s release 003: Gildardo Lopez, as well as my history buying from the Cup of Excellence-winning producer of 004: Lino Rodriguez. Both of these coffees will […]

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